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EIS Public Pricer
Address Lookup
Awarded Items
CBSA Lookup
CLIN Lookup
Contract Mods
Service Guides
Unit Pricer
Service Guides
1. Overview
Access Arrangements
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Access Diversity and Avoidance
4. Specifications
5. Technical Specifications
6. Pricing Basics
7. References
Audio Conferencing Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for ACS
5. Best In Class (BIC) Contracts
6. FAQs
7. References
8. GSA Is Here to Help
9. Contributors
10. Acronyms List
Broadband Internet Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Cable and Wiring Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for Cable and Wiring
5. FAQs
6. References
7. GSA Is Here to Help
8. Contributors
Circuit Switched Data Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for Circuit Switched Data Services
5. Best In Class (BIC) Contracts
6. FAQs
7. References
8. GSA Is Here to Help
9. Acronym List
10. Contributors
Circuit Switched Voice Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Colocated Hosting Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Commercial Fixed Satellite Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Overview of Service
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for COMSATCOM
5. Best in Class (BIC) Contracts
6. FAQs
7. References
8. GSA Is Here to Help
9. Contributors
10. Acronyms List
Commercial Mobile Satellite Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Overview of Service
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for COMSATCOM
5. Best in Class (BIC) Contracts
6. FAQs
7. References
8. GSA Is Here to Help
9. Contributors
10. Acronyms List
Contact Center Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for Contact Center Service
5. Best In Class (BIC) Contracts
6. FAQs
7. References
8. GSA Is Here to Help
9. Contributors
Content Delivery Network Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Pricing Basics for CDNS
5. FAQs
6. References and Other Sources of Information
Dark Fiber Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for DFS
5. Best In Class (BIC) Contracts
6. FAQs
7. References
8. GSA Is Here to Help
9. GSA Is Here to Help
10. Acronym List
Ethernet Transport Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics for ETS
4. References and Other Sources of Information
Infrastructure as a Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Internet Protocol Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Internet Protocol Voice Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Pricing Basics
5. Best In Class Contracts
6. FAQ
7. References
8. GSA Here To Help
9. Acronym List
10. Contributors
Managed Mobility Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Managed Network Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Managed Security Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
National Security and Emergency Preparedness
1. Background
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Pricing Basics
5. References
Optical Wavelength Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for OWS
5. Best in Class (BIC) Contracts
6. FAQs
7. References
8. GSA Is Here to Help
9. Contributors
10. Acronyms List
Platform as a Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Private Line Service
1. Background
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Pricing Basics for PLS
5. References and Other Sources of Information
Service Related Equipment
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Calculation of SRE Payments
4. References
Service Related Labor
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance (Labor Categories)
5. FAQs
6. References
7. GSA Is Here to Help
8. Contributors
Software as a Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Software-Defined Wide Area Network Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Examples of How SDWANS Could be Used
4. Technical Specifications
5. Pricing Basics
6. References
Synchronized Optical Network Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for SONET
5. Best In Class (BIC) Contracts
6. FAQs
7. References
8. GSA Is Here to Help
9. GSA Is Here to Help
10. Acronym List
Toll Free Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for Toll-Free Services
5. Best In Class (BIC) Contracts
6. FAQs
7. References
8. GSA Is Here to Help
9. Contributors
Unified Communications Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Video Teleconferencing Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for VTS
5. Best In Class (BIC) Contracts
6. FAQs
7. References
8. GSA Is Here to Help
9. Contributors
10. Acronyms List
Virtual Private Network Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References
Web Conferencing Service
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Specifications
3. Technical Specifications
4. Ordering Guidance for WCS
5. Best In Class (BIC) Contracts
6. FAQs
7. References
8. GSA Is Here to Help
9. Contributors
10. Acronyms List
Wireless Service
1. Overview
2. Technical Specifications
3. Pricing Basics
4. References